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Assessment Only Route To QTS

The Assessment Only route is available to very experienced but unqualified teachers. The route involves no training, it is an assessment which takes place in England aimed at those who can already meet the standards and as such will take no more than 12 weeks. If you would like to apply for the Assessment Only route, you can apply to the provider directly who will provide more information about the qualifications required for this type of course. However you do need to have worked in at least 2 schools. Click here to view a letter I received about the requirements. There seems to be a few issues for teachers wishing to pursue this route, I will go through what they are and how to get around them.

The letter basically stated that I needed to have worked in two schools, one of which was a state school. However if I was to do a ten day placement in a state school this would then count. I assume that my international experience will count as the other (I am checking this out at the moment and will update when I hear anything.
Second problem, your school would need to endorse your application with a reference and a signed agreement to support you through the programme. They would also need to provide you with a mentor through the programme. Currently the cost of an AO programme is £2,850 which is invoiced in two tranches, one after the initial assessment and the other at the end of the programme. We are only able to issue invoices to the school, so if you were paying for the programme yourself or sharing the costs with the school you would need to make that arrangement with them so they could pay us.
Third  is that you must show experience of teaching in two consecutive key stages. In many cases where the main subject is taught only in sixth form this involves the candidate offering an alternative subject at KS4
Prior to the initial assessment you would be required to put together a portfolio of evidence showing how you match or exceed all of the Teachers' Standards laid down by the DfE. Whilst this is time consuming it is likely that as an experienced practitioner you will have much of the evidence readily to hand. It is also likely that you would be able to use substantial parts of that portfolio to go towards the similar body of evidence that you will need to provide the following year when you are going through the NQT process. After receiving some feedback casting doubts on whether international experience counts I received a second e-mail confirming that it does count.
To read the both full letters click here.
This course in only available in England. This is because education is a devolved matter. 
To have a look at where you can do it please click here
A great way to start your teaching career by spending an intensive month learning the basics of teaching English as a second language.
 It is the most widely recognised qualification for entry into the profession for those with little or no experience in English language teaching to adults and with no previous formal qualification in this field.
The course is designed for in-service teachers currently working in or who wish to work in international schools and similar organisations and who wish to acquire an internationally recognised teaching certificate
Masters in Education
It is not a professional qualification that shows you how to teach. It is an advanced degree which focuses upon educational research issues (e.g. assessment, inclusive learning).
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