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Want A Better Job? What Should I Do, TEFL, CELTA, PGCEi or MA in Education?
I like many other people started my teaching career in Asia. The first step I took as completing a 120 hour TEFL. This quickly led to my first job. Upon realising that I wanted to stay in Asia and teach I started looking at ways of getting better jobs. I realised that the best way of getting a better paid job was to start studying, but where to begin?
Should I do a CELTA or a TEFL?
For a new teacher which course should I do. Should I do it on-line or in person? Read our guide to TEFLs and CELTAs to make the best choice for you.
Will a PGCEi help me reach my goal of a job in an international school?
In a word yes, however before signing up read our review of the different universities offering PGCEIs.
With so many different options which one was right for me? Which ones were good value for money and which ones are a rip off?
A TEFL is the first choice for many first time teachers working abroad. The low cost, low time make it a worthwhile investment and it necessary for gaining a work permit in China.
The PGCEi's in the UK are becoming ever more popular as the flexibility to do them whilst working abroad allows minimal disruption for teachers working abroad.
Assessment Only Route To QTS
For experienced teachers it is possible to gain QTS through an assessment only route. to qualify for this you need a first class degree or equivalent.
The Celta and Tesol are seen as a higher qualification than a TEFL because they are accredited by Oxford University or Cambridge University. The courses are generally more thorough and harder to pass than TEFL's.
MA in Education
The masters in education is a postgraduate qualification in education (i.e. pedagogy). It is not a professional qualification that shows you how to teach.
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