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IGCSE/ A Level Job Decription
-IGCSE/A Level Physics Teacher – One needed
IGCSE/A Level Chemistry Teacher –One needed
Location: Chengdu (OIC International School– Chengdu)
Salary: RMB 20,000+(based on relevantexperience and skills)
Start Date:01 August 2017
Duties & responsibilities
1. To undertake a designated program ofteaching for A level 5 Physics/Chemistry across all key stages
2. Teach consistently high quality lessons
3. Plan and deliver schemes of work andlessons that meet the requirements for KS5 physics
3. Be a role model for students, inspiringthem to be actively interested in Science
4. To maintain appropriate records and toprovide relevant accurate and up-to-date information for SIMs, registers
5. To complete the relevant documentationto assist in the tracking of students
6. Set expectations for staff and studentsin relation to standards of achievement and the quality of learning&teaching
7. Prioritise and manage time effectively,ensuring continued professional development in line with the role
8. To follow the school policies andprocedures
9. To ensure the effective/efficientdeployment of classroom support
10. To maintain discipline in accordancewith the school procedures, and to encourage good practice with regard topunctuality, behavior, standards of work and homework
11. Follow schemes of work for Science atall key stage 5 Physics/Chemistry
12. Promote aspects of Personal Developmentrelated to Science
13. Updating professional knowledge andexpertise as appropriate to keep up to date with
developments in teaching practice andmethodology, in general, and in the curriculum area of
14. Promote Science learning through out ofhours activities.
15. Ensuring a high quality learningenvironment within the Science area
1. Bachelor’s degree above, in the physics,science or pedagogy field,
2. QTS Certification with at least 2 yearsteaching experience,
3. Have a secure knowledge andunderstanding of the Science curriculum and related pedagogy,
4. Ability to teach Science to KS5 Physics,
5. Have excellent verbal and writtencommunication skills to students, parents and school,
6. Ability to organize after-school anextra-curricular activities,
7. Use appropriate sanctions and rewards inline with Subject and whole school policy,
8. Commitment to a high profile presence inand around the school,
9. Ability to organize, plan and prioritisetime effectively,
10. Willingness to challenge others toproduct positive outcomes.
Special notes
1. RMB 3,000 accommodation allowanceprovided
2. Air ticket allowance (RMB 10,000 peryear)
3. Insurance
To apply send your c.v, the reference number to
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